Vagrant Commands: vagrant command options
vagrant up - This command is used to create and configure your guest environment/machines based on your Vagrantfile. Also multiple other options can be used.
vagrant status - This command is used to check the status of the Vagrant managed machines.
vagrant reload - This command is used to do a complete reload on the Vagrantfile. Use this command anytime you make a change to the Vagrantfile. This command will do the same thing as running a halt command and then running an up command directly after.
vagrant halt - Executing this is self-explanatory, bring down the environment Vagrant is managing.
vagrant suspend - This command suspends the environment instead of shutting it down. Enables a quicker startup of the environment when brought back up later.
vagrant resume - Command is used after putting environment in a suspended state.
vagrant destroy - Beware. This command will bring down the environment if running and then destroys all of the resources that were created along with the initial creation.
vagrant package - This command is used to package a running virtualbox environment in a re-usable box.
vagrant ssh - SSH into you vagrant running machines.
There are several other commands of course to explore.